Articles in International Journals ISI
WOS indexed
- Pedrielli G,
Sacco M, Terkaj W, Tolio T (2012) An HLA-based distributed
for networked manufacturing systems analysis. Journal of
6(4):237-252. ISSN: 1747-7786. doi:10.1057/jos.2012.6 BibTeX
- Kádár B, Terkaj W,
Sacco M (2013) Semantic Virtual Factory supporting interoperable
modelling and evaluation of production systems. CIRP Annals
Manufacturing Technology, 62(1):443-446. ISSN: 0007-8506. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2013.03.045
- Ghielmini G, Pedrazzoli P, Rovere D, Terkaj W, Boër CR, Dal
Maso G, Milella F, Sacco M (2013) Virtual Factory Manager for
data handling. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and
6(4):281-291. doi:10.1016/j.cirpj.2013.08.001

- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Urgo
M (2015) A virtual factory approach for in situ simulation to
production and maintenance planning. CIRP Annals Manufacturing
Technology, 64(1):451-454. ISSN: 0007-8506. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2015.04.121
- Terkaj W, Sojic A (2015)
Ontology-based Representation of IFC EXPRESS rules: an
enhancement of
the ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction, 57:188-201.
0926-5805. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2015.04.010
- Pauwels P, Terkaj W (2016)
EXPRESS to OWL for construction industry: Towards a
recommendable and
usable ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction,
63:100–133. ISSN:
0926-5805. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2015.12.003 BibTeX
- Sojic A, Terkaj
W, Contini G, Sacco M (2016) Modularising ontology and designing
inference patterns to personalise health condition assessment:
the case
of obesity. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 7:12. ISSN:
2041-1480. doi:10.1186/s13326-016-0049-1
- Modoni
GE, Doukas M, Terkaj
W, Sacco M, Mourtzis D (2017) Enhancing factory data integration
the development of an ontology: from the reference models reuse
to the
semantic conversion of the legacy models. International Journal
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 30(10):1043-1059. ISSN:
1362-3052. doi:10.1080/0951192X.2016.1268720
- Pauwels P,
Krijnen T, Terkaj W, Beetz J (2017) Enhancing the ifcOWL
ontology with
an alternative representation for geometric data. Automation in
Construction, 80:77-94. ISSN: 0926-5805. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2017.03.001
- Hints R, Vanca M, Terkaj W, Marra E, Temperini S, Banabic D
(2018) A Virtual Factory tool to enhance the integrated design
production lines. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A -
Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science,
19(3):499-508. ISSN: 1454-9069

- Terkaj W, Gaboardi P, Trevisan C, Tolio T, Urgo M (2019) A
digital factory platform for the design of roll shop plants.
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 26:88-93. ISSN:
1755-5817. doi:10.1016/j.cirpj.2019.04.007
- Urgo M, Terkaj W (2020) Formal modelling of release control
policies as a plug-in for performance evaluation of
systems.CIRP Annals Manufacturing
Technology, 69(1):377-380. ISSN: 0007-8506. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2020.04.007
- Sanfilippo EM, Terkaj W, Borgo S (2021) Ontological
modeling of manufacturing resources. Applied Ontology,
16:87–109. ISSN:
1570-5838. doi:10.3233/AO-210242
- Terkaj W, Qi Q, Urgo M, Scott PJ, Jiang X (2021)
Multi-Scale Modelling of Manufacturing Systems Using Ontologies
Delta-Lenses. CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology,
ISSN: 0007-8506. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2021.04.047
- Mahmood K, Otto T, Kuts V, Terkaj W, Modoni GE, Urgo M,
Colombo G, Heidegger G, Kovacs P, Stahre P (2021) Advancement in
production engineering education through Virtual Learning
Toolkit concept. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of
70(4):374–382. ISSN 1736-7530. doi:10.3176/proc.2021.4.02
- Urgo M,
Terkaj, Mondellini M, Colombo G (2022) Design of
serious games in engineering education: An application to the
configuration and analysis of manufacturing systems. CIRP
Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Technology, 36:172-184. ISSN
1755-5817. doi:10.1016/j.cirpj.2021.11.006
- Berardinucci
F, Colombo G, Lorusso M, Manzini M, Terkaj W,
Urgo M (2022) A learning workflow based on an integrated
toolkit to support education in manufacturing system
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 63:411-423. ISSN
0278-6125. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2022.04.003
- Magnanini MC, Terkaj W, Tolio TAM (2022) A novel algorithm
for optimal buffer allocation in automated asynchronous
lines. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, 122:4405-4419. ISSN
1433-3015. doi:10.1007/s00170-022-09867-w
- Qi Q, Terkaj W, Urgo M, Jiang X, Scott PJ (2022) A
mathematical foundation to support bidirectional mappings
digital models: an application of multi-scale modelling in
manufacturing. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 478:20220156.
- Falsafi M, Terkaj W, Guzzon M, Malfa E, Fornasiero R, Tolio
T (2023) Assessment of valorisation opportunities for secondary
metallurgy slag through multi-criteria decision making. Journal
of Cleaner Production, 402:136838, ISSN 0959-6526. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136838
- Urgo M, Terkaj W, Simonetti G (2024) Monitoring Manufacturing
Systems using AI: a Method based on a Digital Factory Twin to
train CNNs on Synthetic Data. CIRP
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 50:249-268.
- Terkaj W, Kleine K, Kuts V (2024)
Virtual Labs for Higher Education in Industrial Engineering.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of
Sciences, 73(2):142-149. doi:10.3176/proc.2024.2.07
- Terkaj W, Urgo M, Kovács P, Tóth E, Mondellini M (2024)
A framework for virtual learning in industrial engineering education: development of a reconfigurable virtual learning factory application.
Virtual Reality, 28:148
Articles in
- Terkaj W, Tolio T (2006) A Stochastic approach to the FMS
Loading Problem. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems,
ISSN: 0176-3377.
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Valente A (2010) A Stochastic
Programming Approach to support the Machine Tool Builder in
Focused Flexibility Manufacturing Systems (FFMSs). International
Journal of Manufacturing Research, 5(2):199-229. ISSN:
1750-0591. doi:10.1504/IJMR.2010.031632
- Kozłowski E, Terkaj W, Gola A, Hajduk M, Świć A
(2014) A
Predictive Model of Multi-Stage Production Planning for Fixed
Orders. Management and Production Engineering Review,
5(3):23-32. doi:10.2478/mper-2014-0024
- Caldarola E, Sacco M, Terkaj W (2014) Big Data: the current
Wave Front of the Tsunami. Applied Computer Science, 10(4):7-17.
- Modoni G, Sacco M, Terkaj W (2014) A Semantic Framework for
Graph-based Enterprise Search. Applied Computer Science,
- Gagliardo S, Giannini F, Monti M, Pedrielli G, Terkaj W,
Sacco M, Ghellere M, Salamone F (2015) An Ontology-based
Framework for
Sustainable Factories. Computer-Aided Design and Applications,
12(2):198-207. doi:10.1080/16864360.2014.962432
- Urgo M, Terkaj W, Cenati C, Giannini F, Monti M,
Pellegrinelli S (2016) Zero-point fixture systems as a
enabler in flexible manufacturing systems. Computer-Aided Design
Applications, 13(5):684-692. doi:10.1080/16864360.2016.1150715
- Tolio
T, Copani G, Terkaj W (2019) Factories of the Future - The
Flagship Initiative. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-94357-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94358-9
Chapters in
- Colledani M, Terkaj W, Tolio T, Tomasella M (2008)
Development of a Conceptual Reference Framework to manage
knowledge related to Products, Processes and Production Systems.
Bernard A, Tichkiewitch S (eds) Methods and Tools for Effective
Knowledge Life-Cycle-Management. Springer: 259-284. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78431-9_15
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Valente A (2009) Focused Flexibility in
Production Systems. In ElMaraghy HA (ed) Changeable and
Manufacturing Systems. Springer: 47-66. doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-067-8_3
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Valente A (2009) Designing Manufacturing
Flexibility in Dynamic Production Contexts. In Tolio T (ed)
Design of
Flexible Production Systems. Springer: 1-18. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85414-2_1
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Valente A (2009) A Review on
Manufacturing Flexibility. In: Tolio T (ed) Design of Flexible
Production Systems. Springer: 41-61. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85414-2_3
- Colledani M, Terkaj W, Tolio T (2009)
Product-Process-System Information Formalization. In: Tolio T
Design of Flexible Production Systems. Springer: 63-86. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85414-2_4
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Valente A (2009) Design of Focused
Flexibility Manufacturing Systems (FFMSs). In: Tolio T (ed)
Design of
Flexible Production Systems. Springer: 137-190. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85414-2_7
- Bruccoleri M, Capello C, Costa A, Nucci F, Terkaj W,
Valente A (2009) Testing. In: Tolio T (ed) Design of Flexible
Production Systems. Springer: 239-293. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85414-2_10
- Pedrielli G, Tolio T, Terkaj W, Sacco M (2012) Distributed
Modeling of Discrete Event Systems. In: Lim EWC (ed) Discrete
Simulations - Development and Applications. InTech: 3-46. doi:10.5772/50350
- Borgo S, Sanfilippo EM, Sojic A, Terkaj W (2015)
Ontological Analysis and Engineering Standards: An Initial Study
IFC. In: Ebrahimipour V, Yacout S (eds) Ontology Modeling in
Asset Integrity Management. Springer: 17-43. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15326-1_2
- Terkaj W, Tolio T (2019) The Italian Flagship Project:
Factories of the Future. In: Tolio T, Copani G, Terkaj W (eds)
Factories of the Future. Springer, Cham: 3-35. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94358-9_1
- Urgo M., Terkaj W, Giannini F., Pellegrinelli S., Borgo S.
(2019) Exploiting Modular Pallet Flexibility for Product and
Co-evolution Through Zero-Point Clamping Systems. In: Tolio T,
G, Terkaj W (eds) Factories of the Future. Springer, Cham:
57-82. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94358-9_3
- Tolio T, Copani G, Terkaj W (2019) Key Research Priorities
for Factories of the Future—Part I: Missions. In: Tolio T,
Copani G,
Terkaj W (eds) Factories of the Future. Springer, Cham: 433-474.
- Tolio T, Copani G, Terkaj W (2019) Key Research Priorities
for Factories of the Future—Part II: Pilot Plants and
Mechanisms. In: Tolio T, Copani G, Terkaj W (eds) Factories of
Future. Springer, Cham: 475-494. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94358-9_21

- Compagno F, Borgo S, Sanfilippo EM,
Terkaj W (2023) Manufacturing Resources, Capabilities, and
Engineering Functions: Towards an Ontology-Based Integration.
Aussenac-Gilles N, Hahmann T, Galton A, Hedblom MM (2023) Formal
Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference (FOIS 2023).
IOS Press Ebooks: 272-287. doi:10.3233/FAIA231134

- Terkaj W, Annoni M, Olarte Martinez B, Pessot E, Sortino M,
Urgo M (2024) Digital Twin for Factories: Challenges and
Applications. In: Carrino L, Galantucci LM, Settineri L (eds)
Topics in Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical
Springer, Cham: 255-274. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-41163-2_13
- Sanfilippo E, Terkaj W (2019)
Editorial: Formal Ontologies meet Industry. Procedia

- Pauwels P, Poveda-Villalón M,
Terkaj W (2022) Proceedings of the 10th Linked Data in
Architecture and
Construction Workshop (LDAC 2022) - Editorial. CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, 3213:3–5

- Terkaj W, Poveda-Villalón M,
Pauwels P (2023) Proceedings of the 11th Linked Data in
Architecture and
Construction Workshop (LDAC 2023) - Editorial. CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, 3633:4–7

- Aameri B, Poveda-Villalón M,
Sanfilippo E, Terkaj W (2024) Special Issue on Semantic Web for
Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications. Semantic Web,
- Pauwels P, Poveda-Villalón M, Terkaj W,
(2024) Proceedings of the 12th Linked Data in
Architecture and
Construction Workshop (LDAC 2024) - Editorial. CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, 3824:4–7

Articles in International
Conference Proceedings
- Terkaj W, Tolio T (2007) An
approach to production system
design considering the utility of the machine tool builder.
of the 40th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems,
Liverpool, UK, 30 May-1 June 2007.
- Tolio T, Terkaj W, Valente A
(2007) Focused Flexibility and
Production System Evolution. Proceedings of the 2nd
Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 22-24 July 2007: 17-41. ISBN
- Terkaj W, Tolio T (2008)
Design of Focused Flexibility
Manufacturing Systems in uncertain environment. Proceedings of
the 6th
CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in
Manufacturing Engineering, Naples, Italy, 23-25 July 2007:
ISBN 978-88-900948-7-3.
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Váncza J
(2009) Rolling Horizon
Stochastic Programming Approach to Designing Focused Flexible
Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of the 7th International
on Manufacturing Research, Coventry, UK, 8-10 September 2009:
- Terkaj W, Tolio T, Váncza J
(2009) Multi-stage Stochastic
Programming for Manufacturing System Design. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable
Virtual Production, Munich, Germany, 5-7 October 2009: 590-601.
978-3-8316-0933 8.
- Sacco M, Pedrazzoli P, Terkaj
W (2010) VFF: Virtual Factory
Framework. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on
Enterprising, Lugano, Switzerland, 21-23 June 2010. doi:10.1109/ICE.2010.7477041
- Sacco M, Dal Maso G, Milella
F, Pedrazzoli P, Rovere D,
Terkaj W (2011) Virtual Factory Manager. In: Shumaker R (ed)
and Mixed Reality - Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in
Science, Volume 6774, 397-406. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Pedrielli G, Scavardone P,
Tolio T, Sacco M, Terkaj W
(2011) Simulation of Complex Manufacturing Systems via HLA-Based
Infrastructure. 2011 IEEE Workshop on Principles of Advanced and
Distributed Simulation (PADS). Nice, France: 1-9. doi:10.1109/PADS.2011.5936772
- Ghielmini G, Pedrazzoli P,
Rovere D, Terkaj W, Boer C, Dal
Maso G, Milella F, Sacco M (2011) Virtual Factory Manager of
Data. Proceedings of DET2011 7th International Conference on
Enterprise Technology, Athens, Greece, 28-30 September
- Hints R, Vanca M, Terkaj W,
Marra E, Temperini S, Banabic D
(2011) A Virtual Factory tool to enhance the integrated design
production lines. Proceedings of DET2011 7th International
on Digital Enterprise Technology, Athens, Greece, 28-30
- Terkaj W, Pedrielli G, Sacco M
(2012) Virtual Factory Data
Model. Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing
2012, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 886, pp 29-43.
- Terkaj W, Urgo M (2012)
Virtual Factory Data Model to
support Performance Evaluation of Production Systems. Workshop
Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing OSEMA 2012, CEUR
Proceedings, vol. 886, pp 44-58.
- Sacco M, Terkaj W, Redaelli C,
Temperini S, Sadocco S
(2012) VFF Industrial Scenario: the COMAU case study.
Proceedings of
the Joint Virtual Reality Conference, Madrid, Spain, 17-19
- Candea G, Candea C, Radu C,
Terkaj W, Sacco M, Suciu O
(2012) A practical use of the Virtual Factory Framework.
Proceedings of
the 14th International Conference on Modern Information
Technology in
the Innovation Processes of industrial enterprises, Budapest,
24-26 October, 2012.
- Terkaj W, Urgo M, Kádár B,
Popovics G, Kemény L (2012)
Modeling and simulation of production systems supported by a
Factory Framework. Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on
Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of
enterprises, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 October, 2012.
- Sacco M, Terkaj W, Redaelli C
(2012) VFF: a framework for
interoperability. Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on
Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of
enterprises, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 October, 2012.
- Tolio T, Sacco M, Terkaj W,
Urgo M (2013) Virtual Factory:
an Integrated Framework for Manufacturing Systems Design and
Procedia CIRP 7:25-30. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2013.05.005
- Colledani M, Pedrielli G,
Terkaj W, Urgo M (2013)
Integrated Virtual Platform for Manufacturing Systems Design.
CIRP 7:425-430. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2013.06.010
- Terkaj W, Danza L,
Devitofrancesco A, Gagliardo S, Ghellere
M, Giannini F, Monti M, Pedrielli G, Sacco M, Salamone F (2014)
Semantic Framework for Sustainable Factories. Procedia CIRP
- Sacco M, Caldarola EG, Modoni
G, Terkaj W (2014) Supporting
the Design of AAL through a SW Integration Framework: The D4All
Project. In: Stephanidis C, Antona M (eds) Universal Access in
Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Methods for
Universal Access, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume
75-84. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07437-5_8
- Modoni GE, Sacco M, Terkaj W
(2014) A survey of RDF store
solutions. Proceedings of 2014 International ICE Conference on
Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE), Bergano, Italy,
June 2014. doi:10.1109/ICE.2014.6871541
- Sojic A, Terkaj W, Contini G,
Sacco M (2014) Towards a
teenager tailored ontology – Supporting inference about
obesity-related health status. In Jansen L, Boeker M, Herre H,
Loebe F
(eds) Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences (ODLS 2014), pp
42-47. ISSN
- Terkaj W, Urgo M (2014)
Ontology-based modeling of
production systems for design and performance evaluation.
of 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics
(INDIN), pp 748-753. ISBN: 978-1-4799-4905-2. doi:10.1109/INDIN.2014.6945606
- Borgo S, Sanfilippo EM, Sojic
A, Terkaj W (2014) Towards an
Ontological Grounding of IFC. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on
Ontologies meet Industry (FOMI 2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
- Modoni GE, Caldarola EG,
Terkaj W, Sacco M (2015) The
Knowledge Reuse in an Industrial Scenario: A Case Study. eKNOW
The Seventh International Conference on Information, Process,
Knowledge Management, pp 66-71.

- Pauwels P, Terkaj W, Krijnen
T, Beetz J (2015) Coping with
lists in the ifcOWL ontology. EG-ICE 2015 - 22nd Workshop of the
European Group of Intelligent Computing in Engineering,
Netherlands, 13-15 July 2015.
- El Kadiri S, Terkaj W, Urwin
EN, Palmer C, Kiritsis D,
Young R (2015) Ontology in engineering applications. FOMI 2015
International Workshop on Formal Ontologies Meet Industry.
Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 225, pp 126-137,
Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21545-7_11
- Pellegrinelli S, Terkaj
W, Urgo M (2016) A Concept for a
Pallet Configuration Approach Using Zero-point Clamping
Procedia CIRP 41:123-128. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.084

- Modoni GE, Sacco M,
Terkaj W (2016) A Telemetry-driven Approach to Simulate
Manufacturing Processes. Procedia CIRP 57:281-285. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2016.11.049
- Lafleur M, Terkaj W, Belkadi
F, Urgo M, Bernard A, Colledani M (2016) An Onto-Based
Framework for the Connection of PLM and Production Capability
Product Lifecycle Management for Digital Transformation of
13th IFIP WG 5.1 International Conference, PLM 2016, Columbia,
July 11-13, 2016, Springer International Publishing, 134-145. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-54660-5_13
- Kuts V, Modoni GE, Terkaj W,
Tähemaa T, Sacco M, Otto T (2017) Exploiting Factory
Telemetry to
Support Virtual Reality Simulation in Robotics Cell. In: De
Paolis L.,
Bourdot P., Mongelli A. (eds) Augmented Reality, Virtual
Reality, and
Computer Graphics. AVR 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
10324. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60922-5_16
- Terkaj W, Urgo M, Andolfatto D
(2017) Answer Set Programming for Modeling and Reasoning on
Modular and
Reconfigurable Transportation Systems. Proceedings of the 2017
Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information
Systems. doi:10.15439/2017F154

- Terkaj
W, Viganò GP (2017) Semantic GIOVE-VF: an Ontology-based
Factory Tool. Proceedings of the Workshop Data Meets Applied
Ontologies, Joint Ontology Workshops 2017, CEUR Workshop
vol. 2050.

- Terkaj
W (2017) OntoGui: a
Graphical User Interface for Rapid Instantiation of OWL
Proceedings of the Workshop Data Meets Applied Ontologies, Joint
Ontology Workshops 2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2050.

- Terkaj W, Schneider GF,
Pauwels P (2017) Reusing Domain Ontologies in Linked Building
Data: the
Case of Building Automation and Control. Proceedings of the 8th
Workshop Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, Joint Ontology
2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2050.

- Terkaj W, Pauwels P (2017) A
Method to generate a Modular ifcOWL Ontology. Proceedings of the
Workshop Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, Joint Ontology
2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2050.

- Schneider GF, Peßler GA,
Terkaj W (2019) Knowledge-based Conversion of Finite State
Machines in
Manufacturing Automation. Procedia Manufacturing, 28:189-194

- Modoni GE, Caldarola EG, Sacco
M, Terkaj W (2019) Synchronizing physical and digital factory:
and technical challenges. Procedia CIRP, 79:472-477

- Falsafi M, Fornasiero R,
Terkaj W (2019) Performance Evaluation of Stochastic Forward and
Reverse Supply Networks. Procedia CIRP, 81:1342-1347. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2019.04.024
- Roveda L, Spahiu B, Terkaj W
(2019) On the Proposal of a Unified Safety Framework for
Industry 4.0
Multi-Robot Scenario. Proceedings of the 27th Italian Symposium
Advanced Database Systems, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2400.
- Magnanini MC, Terkaj W, Tolio
T (2020) Robust optimization of manufacturing systems
Procedia CIRP, 96:63-68. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2021.01.053
- Šormaz D, Sarkar A, Terkaj W
(2020) Progress on IOF’s Process and Production Planning
Ontology. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2900

- Magnanini MC, Terkaj W, Tolio
T (2020) Robust optimization of manufacturing systems
Procedia CIRP, 96:63-68. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2021.01.053
- Mahmood K, Otto T, Kuts V,
Terkaj W, Urgo M, Haidegger G (2021) Development of Virtual
Factory Toolkit for Production Engineering Education. IOP
Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1140(1):012039. doi:10.1088/1757-899x/1140/1/012039
- Borgo S, Sanfilippo EM, Terkaj
W (2021) Capabilities, Capacities, and Functionalities of
Resources in
Industrial Engineering. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2969

- Raptis TP, Terkaj W,
Passarella A, Conti M (2021) Pervasive Computing for Safe
and Production Optimization in Manufacturing: Challenges and
Opportunities. Proceedings of 17th International Conference on
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 512-519. doi:10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00084
- Terkaj W, Borgo S, Sanfilippo
EM (2022) Ontology for Industrial Engineering: A DOLCE Compliant
Approach. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3240

- Terkaj W, Pessot E, Kuts V, Bondarenko
Y, Pizzagalli SL, Kleine K (2024)
A framework for the design and use of virtual labs in digital
engineering education.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2989(1):030003. doi:10.1063/5.0189669
Porello D, Vieu L, Terkaj W, Borgo S, Compagno F, Sanfilippo EM (2024) DOLCE in OWL: The core theory. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3882